To know everything about Breton ancestral art: the crêpe
A real crêpe encyclopedia, in 192 pages of delicacies
In this new book, The Art of the Crêpe, a culinary guide to making crêpes, I wanted to make
available all the skills I have acquired and perfected over time in order to master this
renowned technique. In it, I outline my knowledge and give advice and tips, but above all I
share all my secrets, in the hope that it will enlighten you about this traditional skill.
You will find here the range of material, several types of crêpe batter, explanations on
turning the batter, recipes from the simplest to the most elaborate, and original variations of
savoury or sweet crêpes.
By means of the numerous photos, I will accompany you step by step in your apprenticeship
of these techniques.
So, rozell in hand, develop your new passion, share it and enjoy without limit.
I wish you a wonderful read and already imagine you relishing delightful moments.
Contents : History / Equipment / The Batters / Fabrication know-how / Simple crêpes /
More sophisticated garnishings / A little drop of cider